31 January 2009
26 January 2009
说到这里,还不能不提一下前几天所发生的一阵骚动,也让我和其他亚航Cadet感到心神不宁、人心惶惶、坐立不安。事情是这样子,相信大家都知就有3方involved,分别是AirAsia, Maybank和MFA。原本说好的,学费全权由Maybank先帮我们还给MFA,结果当天MFA却打电话找我们要钱,而且一讨就是RM66,500!天啊!一时去哪里找这笔钱?不是说好Maybank还钱吗?怎么又向我们要钱?后来,听说是因为银行欲拖欠付款,同时飞行学院又想提早拿到钱。双方在洽谈不拢之下,MFA就做出惊人又让人匪夷所思、出乎意料的举动,就是直接向学员们要钱!眼看实在没办法了,我只好和其他的Cadet们开连线会议商讨决策。结果,最后决定只能写email向AirAsia求助。第二天,我就写好了email,寄给AirAsia的高层。第三天,他们回复我,要我们"Disregard MFA's request,let them deal with it."。另外,我妈也试着打电话找Maybank的人,那个经理也说"I also don't know why they (MFA) would do this..."。所以啊,那三方就会在年初三坐下来开会讨论咯。如果最后大家都无法持相同的意见,我们也许不会加入MFA了,很可能会换学校,最有可能就是去Langkawi的HMA。无论如何,我还是希望一切都会没问题,因为我们只剩下一个星期就开课了。
20 January 2009
话说回来,这一切其实真的蛮奇妙的,因为我所知道的马来西亚第一间,也是最早的飞行学院就是坐落在马六甲的MFA(Malaysian Flying Academy)。之前,我曾经考虑过要加入坐落在我家乡的GGIFA(Gulf Golden International Flying Academy),然后又一度差点加入吉兰丹的APFT(Asia Pacific Flight Training)。事情转来转去后,最后却转回到MFA去。哈哈。
反正,我也不理那么多,能够在当初的几百余人中脱颖而出,成为最后16人中的其中之一,我真的感到很庆幸。这意味着什么呢?告诉你们,Airline cadets和Private cadets的差别就是毕业后的工作保证(secured job)。身为AirAsia的cadet,就表示说我们毕业后就直接有工作,不必担心还要持着licence去航空公司申请工作。这就是最大的差别,所以能够的话还是成为Airline Cadets会比较好。为什么?因为Private Cadets毕业后没有工作,他们必须去自己去航空公司申请。而且,就算申请了,也未必会100%被录取!
话说回来,这一切其实真的蛮奇妙的,因为我所知道的马来西亚第一间,也是最早的飞行学院就是坐落在马六甲的MFA(Malaysian Flying Academy)。之前,我曾经考虑过要加入坐落在我家乡的GGIFA(Gulf Golden International Flying Academy),然后又一度差点加入吉兰丹的APFT(Asia Pacific Flight Training)。事情转来转去后,最后却转回到MFA去。哈哈。
反正,我也不理那么多,能够在当初的几百余人中脱颖而出,成为最后16人中的其中之一,我真的感到很庆幸。这意味着什么呢?告诉你们,Airline cadets和Private cadets的差别就是毕业后的工作保证(secured job)。身为AirAsia的cadet,就表示说我们毕业后就直接有工作,不必担心还要持着licence去航空公司申请工作。这就是最大的差别,所以能够的话还是成为Airline Cadets会比较好。为什么?因为Private Cadets毕业后没有工作,他们必须去自己去航空公司申请。而且,就算申请了,也未必会100%被录取!
16 January 2009
Offer Letter
Yet Another Painstaking Waiting...
It's left than 2 weeks now to join the training in MFA, yet the company hasn't informed us anything till now. The briefing, the loan, the bond signing, we have got no clue at all, seriously. But, who cares? I've managed to wait for 9 months already, this short 2 weeks won't cause any matter at all to me. It's not my practice to always complain on something but this time really get me pissed off! I'm totally dissatisfied with the company's way of dealing with this matter, only one word, SLOW!I seriously hope the company's working efficiency can speed up, well, at least don't leave everything until the very last minute to get them done. I love this company, but there's still lots of improvements. Dato Tony, you hear me?
11 January 2009
Days back in 2008
Countdown has basically become my routine recently. Feeling a bit pity for my calendar, since I have to look at it everyday, if I don't, I'll feel uncomfortable. Well, it's slightly more than 20 days left before I get to join my dream school, MFA in Malacaa.
Looking back to the year 2008, I realized that I had gone through so many things and learnt so much throughout the whole year. It was fairly unbelievable that even me, myself is hard to believe that I'm able to make it until today. So, basically what did I do? Well, to save both your time and mine, I'll just make it short. Okay, that's what happened in year 2008. Firstly, I applied for AirAsia's cadet program back in March, later on received my first reply from AirAsia on my birthday (my best present ever), then I was invited to the first stage after the scrutinizing. After passing the first stage with flying colours and with no major problems at all, I received the email again which notifies me to proceed to second stage, the psychomotor and psychometric test.
Again, I passed it almost flawlessly (serious? just kidding) and continued to the third stage, the interview. This time was really a challenge for me since I don't possess good command of English, particularly my speaking which I can't master it very well until now. Why? Perhaps that's the typical Chinese boy's style, haha. Anyway, despite the whole process was full of horror and tension, I still managed to pass it with a low pass though. All I can describe the interview is with only one word, TERRIFIYING . And one thing which the interview didn't go as what I expected was the questions they asked me during the interview. I prepared so much for the interview, in the end none were "used".
Passing the interview was rather exciting, but I still couldn't relief until I pass the fourth stage, the medical check-up. Frankly, I was feeling concerned about the condition of my eyes as I'm wearing spectacle. I was worried that I couldn't pass my eye test, but luckily I got my medical cert with Class 1 in the end, or else I won't be posting this article today. And now, finally I'm waiting to be sent-off. How miracle was that for what had happened in this short but interesting one year when I recall all the experience I had gone through. It was absolutely unforgettable experience I should say.
Lastly, hope everything goes well in these short 20 days. I have no idea what's waiting for me in MFA, hopefully I can make some friends there. Good luck to me! MFA, I'm coming after you!
*Bear in mind that if you possess a dream, never ever think that it's not achievable, dare to pursue your dream and realize it. You can do it, and so am I!
Looking back to the year 2008, I realized that I had gone through so many things and learnt so much throughout the whole year. It was fairly unbelievable that even me, myself is hard to believe that I'm able to make it until today. So, basically what did I do? Well, to save both your time and mine, I'll just make it short. Okay, that's what happened in year 2008. Firstly, I applied for AirAsia's cadet program back in March, later on received my first reply from AirAsia on my birthday (my best present ever), then I was invited to the first stage after the scrutinizing. After passing the first stage with flying colours and with no major problems at all, I received the email again which notifies me to proceed to second stage, the psychomotor and psychometric test.
Again, I passed it almost flawlessly (serious? just kidding) and continued to the third stage, the interview. This time was really a challenge for me since I don't possess good command of English, particularly my speaking which I can't master it very well until now. Why? Perhaps that's the typical Chinese boy's style, haha. Anyway, despite the whole process was full of horror and tension, I still managed to pass it with a low pass though. All I can describe the interview is with only one word, TERRIFIYING . And one thing which the interview didn't go as what I expected was the questions they asked me during the interview. I prepared so much for the interview, in the end none were "used".
Passing the interview was rather exciting, but I still couldn't relief until I pass the fourth stage, the medical check-up. Frankly, I was feeling concerned about the condition of my eyes as I'm wearing spectacle. I was worried that I couldn't pass my eye test, but luckily I got my medical cert with Class 1 in the end, or else I won't be posting this article today. And now, finally I'm waiting to be sent-off. How miracle was that for what had happened in this short but interesting one year when I recall all the experience I had gone through. It was absolutely unforgettable experience I should say.
Lastly, hope everything goes well in these short 20 days. I have no idea what's waiting for me in MFA, hopefully I can make some friends there. Good luck to me! MFA, I'm coming after you!
*Bear in mind that if you possess a dream, never ever think that it's not achievable, dare to pursue your dream and realize it. You can do it, and so am I!
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