12 July 2009


好久没update我的部落格了,其实也没什么好update的。从哪里说起开始呢?就从这个星期一说起咯。这个星期我们开始回到Ground School,继续我们的CA6。光是一个星期的上课而已,我就开始觉得有点吃不消了,CA6真的不是盖的,没想象中的容易。每天我们从早上8点上课,一直到下午5点,周一到周五都是这样;每天7堂课(除了周五),每堂课要1个小时;科目有5科,每个科目由一个Instructor教,每天看到的面孔也就是那几个。

原本我前个星期五就要solo check的,后来碰到许多挫折和不顺利,导致我的solo check一再拖延。一直到前天的周五,我才有机会去solo check。大家要清楚一点是,solo check跟solo不同,你要pass了solo check,你的instructor才会放心让你去solo。所以,故事的发展是这样,周五那天5点下课后,我就去Flight Ops找老师,可是老师不在;后来就看到其中一个新的instructor很有空,就顺便问问他能否跟我去solo check,他也答应了。当时的我觉得,哇,好开心哦!过了一阵子,我就下去check aicraft了。目前一切到这里还顺利,事情的不顺利开始在take-off。我照着procedure上面说的,在55kts rotate,可是当天不知为何,我一拉机头,飞机刚离地没有很高,stall sound就出来,结果整架飞机就直接撞向地面,等它gain多一点speed后,我再rotate,这次才顺利take-off。当时我的心真的冷掉,心想惨了,今天一定是非常不顺利了,应该是不能去solo了,我的solo check肯定过不了。之后的flight也是飞的乱七八糟,尤其是landing的时候。其实当天的crosswind也是算蛮强的,approaching的时候,我试着maintain centreline,可是飞机还是被吹到一边去。几次的landing都没有在centreline上面,有两次还被instructor took over去land。我只能说当天我真的飞得很差,自己也心知肚明,要去solo更是离我很遥远的事情了。还不止这样,当天几乎全程都被instructor fxxx,一直被他讲我飞得很不好啊等等的。下来后,还不够,他还带我去briefing room,俩人坐下来,继续跟我说我的飞行多不好等等。害我当天真的没有心掉,整个晚上都不太说话,很难相信这一切竟然是事实,唉~

经过那次后,我还真的有点怕了,到底明天要不要再去check一次?个人觉得还是算了吧,就leave it to after CA6好了,现在我想完全concentrate in my study了。祝我加油吧!对于那些期待我solo的朋友们,很抱歉,我失败了,我做不到,就等到下次吧。。。


  1. 失败是成功之母, 再接再厉,有志者事尽成。愿主多而又多的祝福你。

  2. I think you need to think positive. The thought of "I AM going to perform badly later", only after your first mistake, is NOT positive thinking, and is very bad. More things will simply screw up as you WISHED.

    Once airborne and during critical phase whereby you are required to carry out maneuvers, you have practically no time to think of the mistakes you've done. You must free your mind to think of what is going to happen next and anticipate. Leave the troubleshooting until the time you are cruising, flying straight and level; or when you are back to the ground.

    Good luck on your next solo check...

  3. U can achieve! All the best.

  4. Andy,
    Please bear in mind that to become a pilot is an extraordinary task. Not everyone can do it. Some people do not have the courage to do so. Others who wish to do it do not have chances at all. Try your very best in your study and do become a good pilot. Relax your mind and trust in our Almighty GOD. HE is always around whenever you need HIM. We believe you can achieve it. Amen.

  5. 对不起!!!
